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Is Pasco County only getting about half of the vaccines the rest of the Counties in Florida are receiving?

Monday, Jan 18, 2021 | On Target Page: Greater Pasco County

We are working on a story for about the Covid-19 Vaccine distribution in our State of Florida and our County of Pasco and we are coming up with some disturbing numbers. It seems Pasco is getting about half of the vaccines the rest of the Counties are receiving.

The population of Florida is 21,481,636 and 1,328,175 have been vaccinated or 6.18%. In Pasco with a population of 553,947 only 23,464 people have been vaccinated or 4.24%, that is 46% less than the State average.

The problem is even worse with our citizens over 65 years of age. 17.3% of Florida population is over 65 or 3,716,323 people of which 899,374 or 24.2% have been vaccinated. In Pasco County the number is half that! 20.7% of Pasco County population is over 65 years old or 108,593 people of which only 13,531 or 12.46% have been vaccinated. That is 95% LESS than the States average distribution.

With the early emphasis for distribution being Healthcare workers and Nursing homes, the numbers could be skewed based on the number of hospitals on eldercare but the plan to inoculate those over 65, the picture is even more stark. 1,800 vaccines a week are not enough and would take over a year just for that group.

I would appreciate comments and you can check my work with references below.

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