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Curling Practice at Florida Hospital Center Ice

Tuesday, Dec 11, 2018 | On Target Page: Wesley Chapel, AdventHealth Center Ice

Florida Hospital Center Ice held a practice session for the Curling program on Saturday, December 1, 2018. The sport “Curling” is fun for all ages and physical abilities and requires only four people to start a curling team. Florida Hospital Center Ice not only offers leagues, but also welcomes partnerships with local schools, organizations, and youth groups. They can host your group on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon, or help arrange another time.

About Curling:

Curling is a ‘Gentleman's game’ that requires both Sportsmanship and Integrity because curlers are their own referees and compliment opponents on making a good shot. Curling also involves physics & geometry in action, sweeping and delivering require precision and work underdeveloped muscle groups.

But what is really appreciated in this ‘High Stress Age’ is the ability to leave off-ice issues behind and allow players to focus only on their team and the next shot. Curlers of all ages set up the ice together and share a drink (hot chocolate) after each game—winner buys, so everyone wins!

To learn more about the Curling Program, visit:

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